
There are definitely a lot of creative people I want to work with. I wanna work with Drake!


I'm just gonna keep growing as an artist, and I'm excited to work with different people and learn from all these other talented, creative people that I've been around. It's so inspiring to be around other people who have ideas you haven't thought of, and all of a sudden you're like, 'Wow! That's so amazing!'

Belinda Johnson
Belinda Johnson

Some of my legal colleagues are the most creative people I know!

Bhumi Pednekar
Bhumi Pednekar

The fact that we don't have censorship on the Internet really gives you a lot of freedom, as makers and creative people do what they believe in.

Bill Atkinson
Bill Atkinson

You could summarize everything I did at Apple was making tools to empower creative people. 'QuickDraw' empowered all these other programmers to now be able to sling stuff on the screen. The 'Window Manager,' 'Event Manager,' and 'Menu Manager.' Those are things that I worked on that were empowering other people.

Bill Gates
Bill Gates

We all sort of do want incentives for creative people to still exist at a certain level. You know, maybe rock stars shouldn't make as much; who knows? But you want as much creativity to take place in the future as took place in the past.

Bill Skarsgard
Bill Skarsgard

The horror fan base is fantastic. It really has devoted fans, and I like that aspect of the genre. The people who are making it are always really wonderfully nerdy, creative people, which I always love.

Brandon Boyd
Brandon Boyd

I think that what most artists are trying to do is trying to understand. I think what distinguishes creative people and/or artists from another type of person is perhaps a willingness to go headlong into that uncertainty.

Carrie Brownstein
Carrie Brownstein

I think that the most well-intentioned, optimistic, creative people often live for the moment, and for 'Portlandia,' our goals were always very sort of short-term and attainable.

Channing Tatum
Channing Tatum

I'm thankful for weird people out there 'cause they're some of the most creative people.